Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Detailed Definition of BOHO-centers

BOHO centers are the only high density mixed use retail and residential development that exceed existing standards in their economic, cultural, social, and environmentally sustainability to create the needed vitality to act as a catalyst of growth for the surrounding area.


Design-The standard project program is a high density multi use environment that is sensitive to the surrounding location in scale and style. Development is an 8-16 acre site with pedestrian-friendly traffic patterns and green gathering spaces for individuals to utilize for its 24-7 days worth of services and active spaces. Project must have close proximity to multiple mass transit opportunities. Projects must be (LEED) Green Building Rating System™ certified.

Economic-Take advantage of undervalued urban land to create a retail district with national independents as anchors and affordable entry level lease for boutique and localized retailers. Smaller CafĂ©’s and tavern spaces are set aside to encourage multiple styles of restaurant and relaxing options. Coffeehouses and independent bookstores are encouraged to align around exterior common gathering space. Loft style housing and office options are created with minimum design elements to reduce initial capital investment and encourage a sense of ownership in the leassors by their customization of space.

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